Wednesday 13 February 2013


Not missing a beat when it comes to the heritage of Wilson's Tour line of racquets, the Tour BLX shines with versatility. Easy to swing with its sub 11 ounce static weight, it still offers plenty of pop with its near even rated balance. From the baseline, our TW playtesters enjoyed the easy depth and solid feel. The combination of an open string pattern and almost effortless generated swing speed, spin was easy to come by. At net, the Tour BLX provides plenty of punch with good directional control, and our testers also noted the surprising stability for such a light offering. Those that have enjoyed previous iterations of the Tour line will naturally like this latest version as well. This extremely versatile racquet is ideal for a wide range of levels from the 4.0 level and above. It is also easily customized for those seeking more heft.
Note:Due to the cushioning and comfort properties built into the Performance Hybrid Grip installed on this racquet, the handle feels a tad larger than normal.


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